Tag Archives: Holiday Traditions

Traditions for a brighter holiday

Whether your holiday traditions are just beginning or you’re looking to add new traditions to a rich holiday history, we have some ideas to make the season bright for the whole family!


Give back together

Volunteering together is a great way not only to bond but to get everybody into the holiday spirit. Volunteering is heaps of fun, and you can choose a cause that your family is passionate about for even more return! It’s true what they say; what goes around comes around.

Create a new family recipe

Is there a holiday treat that your family loves? Get everyone into the kitchen to help make and taste-test a variety of recipes for a dish or dessert until you settle on the absolute best one. Ta-da! You’ll have a signature dish for any potluck or get-together that requires one—and you’ll be sure there’s at least one thing on the table your family will like!

Send a personalized video to your extended family

Use new technology to pull the family together instead of apart. Grab a smartphone or webcam to create a personalized e-card for your extended family and friends! Gather the family around and let each member greet the recipient, or decide on a greeting or song to sing all together for a memorable season’s greetings your loved ones can digitally store for years to come.

Tour the lights

One of the best parts of the holiday season is the amazing display of lights. If there’s a mild night, take the family for a walk downtown or around the neighborhood to see all the lit up buildings and houses. If it’s too cold for a stroll, pile in the car and take a drive!

Review the year

Before opening any gifts or digging into dinner, make a point to stop and remember all the highlights of the past year. Have each person say something they were thankful for during the year every time they open a present or tell the highlight of the year around the dinner table. Make it the season of gratitude in your home!


From the Iowa Cancer Specialists family to yours, we hope these are traditions that add meaning and cheer to the holiday season in your home, and we wish you holidays that are both merry and bright!