Tag Archives: Myriad genetic testing

Are you older than 50 or black or genetically predisposed? All three? Get screened.

Colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer: we won’t say it’s a pretty subject, but it is pretty important. Unfortunately, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States, affecting mostly people 50 years or older. More fortunately, colorectal cancer can be prevented with screenings. Precancerous growths called polyps can be identified during a screening process and removed before becoming cancerous. If cancer is found, the earlier the better when it comes to treatment outcomes.

Major risk factors include age, race and a personal or family history of colorectal cancer, which means most people diagnosed with colon cancer are 50 or older, are African-American or have inherited genetic predispositions (which can be determined by genetic testing). Though there are some factors in your control, these unpreventable characteristics can increase your risk of colorectal cancer.

Moral of the story? If you are 50 or older, black or have a family history of colorectal cancer, get screened! We promise—it’s more comfortable than running the risk of colorectal cancer.

Risk factors include:

– Age (The great majority of people diagnosed with colon cancer are older than 50)
– Race (African-Americans have a greater risk of colon cancer than do people of other races)
– A personal history of colorectal cancer or polyps
– Chronic inflammatory diseases of the colon
– Inherited syndromes and genetics
– Low-fiber, high-fat diet
– A sedentary lifestyle
– Diabetes
– Obesity
– Smoking
– Alcohol use
– Radiation therapy for cancer

Learn about your genetic risk from Myriad’s online resources, and take their quiz to see if you’re a candidate for a hereditary cancer screening to help determine your genetic risk. Regardless of risk factors, stay one step ahead with a colon cancer screening from a gastroenterologist. Of course, we wish you an uneventful screening, but if your results come back with bad news, you can always call us at (563) 421-1960.